I hope someone can help. I just purchased an HP a450y computer without a hard drive or video card. I place a WD 500GB HHD , new BFG GeForce 7300 GT 512MB AGP card and 2 stix of 1024 PC 3200 memory. I'm trying to load win XP Pro, but can not even get to the Bios or a POST.
Need help badly.


The first thing i would do is remove the Video card for now. hopefully your motherboard has a VGA port ... if it has plug the screen into this port and try to boot.

let us know to this point...... try installing XP and install all Mother board drivers .... then when you have a system that works .... Introduce the Video card..... Check Bios to look at the AGP port for as a graphics device.


Thanks Darren,
The HP a450y does not have a VGA port, it came with an external video card, but it was missing when I purchased it. So I purchased the
GeForce 7300 GT 512MB AGP card.
I still get a black screen and no POST and no way to reach the bios. What do you think about pulling the battery to reset the CMOS?

Thanks Darren,
The HP a450y does not have a VGA port, it came with an external video card, but it was missing when I purchased it. So I purchased the
GeForce 7300 GT 512MB AGP card.
I still get a black screen and no POST and no way to reach the bios. What do you think about pulling the battery to reset the CMOS?


On the motherboard there must be a plasic jumper to clear the cmos. pin 123 ..... pin 12 is normal pin 23 is reset cmos power on in pin 23 nothing will happen thats fine hold power button for 5 seconds to power off.... move back to pin 12 normal and check boot


I'll give it a shot and get back to you

It did not work, i even took out both memory sticks and the motherboard did not sound any beeps. Although I'm not sure if it should like other MoBo's do. What next?


Check cable between screen and video card... Pay careful attention to the pins and make sure one is not bent. see if you can loan another video card just to test....


Check cable between screen and video card... Pay careful attention to the pins and make sure one is not bent. see if you can loan another video card just to test....

Cables are good, even tried this monitor on another Computer and it works fine. Still no POST or Bios. Tried F1, F2, & F8 just a blank screen.
Oh, I did not notice any lights on the MOBO, most other boards have a least one light on when power is on to the MOBO, not this one. Any other checks I can do?

Tried another AGP card and no dice.

try to look the user manual for recommended Hardwares(as hdd,cpu,memory,vga) maybe there is an incompatible unit

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