I've been getting update errors now for a while and i can't seem to fix it with my copy of the software. Every time I go to the page to scan for updates, I click on it and it comes back with this message:
Windows Update has encountered an error and cannot display the requested page.

So i've been working on it for a bit. I have WIN XP 64x by the way. I've done many of the solutions I've been coming across when i do a search on google, i've even completely formatted and reinstalled the program, which is new, and the student version by the way. Nothing has worked yet. Unfortunately, these updates which were all something we could go without anyway, seem to be getting more important. Anyhow, anything would help as this point, so many thanks in adance.

If you have formatted your drive and reinstalled windows and still are getting this problem, there seems to be a problem with your OS disk. As the program is new you can get free help from Microsoft either online or by phone.
The surest way to fix an unfixable problem is to reformat and reinstall and you have done that so............

thanks alot for both links, i'm gonna work with both

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