hi please anyone help me in this i want to download .net framework 3.5 sp1 but i cant find any solution please suggest me where i can download it and how to run it.

What OS are you running?

Do you already have 3.5 and are looking for just the SP or do you want the whole thing?

Do you have a (fast) internet connection?

Hi again,
Just a note to add you must use IE to access downloads not Firefox or similar.

that wont work if he has vista

Go to :-
Click in search box at top and enter your search, locate it and download it.

Thanks for reply bob but here is what i got ..an error

Oops! This link appears to be broken.Suggestions:
Go to microsoft.­com
Go to sitemap www.­microsoft.­com/­sitemap
Search update.microsoft.com for windows update default

I am unable to open in neither in mozilla nor in internet explorer

please help.

Hi again,
Looks like you have a virus. Google house call and download a free house call to check your PC and then download an anti-malware program (Malwarebytes) and run that as well. After you have done both, try updating from Microsoft again.
If you are still having problems, do a Windows repair from your OS CD. Google how to ,if you don't know.

Hi again,
Looks like you have a virus. Google house call and download a free house call to check your PC and then download an anti-malware program (Malwarebytes) and run that as well. After you have done both, try updating from Microsoft again.
If you are still having problems, do a Windows repair from your OS CD. Google how to ,if you don't know.

Google house Call ???????? Bob please share what is Google house call and how i can download it ? do you have any idea how i can find any anti-malware system ?


Sorry, Google is a search engin, and house call is a virus checker, but I have all the info here.

Sounds like you need to remove a virus or malware. Go to:-
Download and run to remove any viruses you may have. (Sometimes a virus will stop you accessing an anti-virus site, so try going through safe mode (Tap F8 on boot up) and see if you can access it there.)
Then go to :-
Download, run then quick check your PC for any problems, if still there do a full scan.

Sorry, Google is a search engin, and house call is a virus checker, but I have all the info here.

Sounds like you need to remove a virus or malware. Go to:-
Download and run to remove any viruses you may have. (Sometimes a virus will stop you accessing an anti-virus site, so try going through safe mode (Tap F8 on boot up) and see if you can access it there.)
Then go to :-
Download, run then quick check your PC for any problems, if still there do a full scan.

Yes Bob you are right i am unable to open any of above website you have suggested me now i am sure i got virus in my system..so going back to restore my window again...
You are really a helpful person..thanks for your kind support i will reimage my system and come back to share my experience i hope you will not mind to help me futher in case i need help...
Thanks for your time my friend.
I am reachable at <snip> please feel free to contact me anytime, i would be happy if i can do anything for you.
I am doing Internet marketing..i have few resource if you need it i can share with you.
Thanks again Bob for your kind support.

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