After BIOS and the "Starting Windows" screen loads the next screen is BLACK but the mouse does move around. KEYBOARD LIGHTS ARE OFF and it will not let me press anything (including cntrl+alt+del). There is no taskbar, icons, or anything. The menu does not appear when I right-click, and I can not drag to form the outline of a square.
Toggling between video output did not work. If i reboot into Safe Mode I get the same results - BLACK SCREEN with mouse movement but no clicking functions and no keyboard function. Upon running windows repair- repair finished, and upon reboot same black screen shows up. I did not run spyware removal, defrag, or registry clean lately. No new installed software or hardware. I even tried "last known good configuration" when i pressed F8 and still same black screen. Any Ideas? HELP!!!

You say you have done a Windows repair, if you have done that correctly and you still have the problem, you have some nasty hiding there and you can only clean it out if you can run a anti-virus program. My first suggestion is to use a friends PC and make a boot disk (see my signature) run that in your PC and run virus checker.
My other suggestion is to save anything from your PC you want (in another PC) then format your HD and start again.

Thanks for responding! After failing to find a solution online, i put the harddrive into a clean computer and ran ms malware. It found only one infected file -

Files Infected:
D:\System Volume Information\_restore{AA805D1A-DDD2-4196-9289-47ECE1692ED2}\RP336\A0094501.exe (Trojan.KillFiles) -> No action taken

Do you think this could be the root of the problem?

you just need to replace this three file :
from c:\windows\repair to c:\windows\system32\config

good luck

The file that the Anti-malware found is hidden away and will not effect you PC unless you use that file when you do a system restore. So do not worry about that for now. Go to :-
Read all about viruses removal and do what you can to fix your PC. Come back and tell us how you got on.

you just need to replace this three file :
from c:\windows\repair to c:\windows\system32\config

good luck

How would you go about replacing the three files and with what? You can not assist the poster unless you give information that can be understood. What would the poster do with that command line? and what would that command line do? "from" is not a DOS command, "C:\windows\repair" is not a file in windows.
It is very good that you want to assist people who are in need but please explain what you are saying to them so that they, and others, will know what you are saying and how and why to do it.

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