A few weeks ago I bought a sata HDD to replace my former IDE one, so I transferred the OS (thks Acronis) to the new one, removed the old one and everything was OK... until I tried to repair some XP problems with my Win XP install CD, when I got stuck on a screen with a message saying, ...no HDD,...press F3 to cancel. So (thks again to Acronis recovery partition) I am now running XP again. I managed however to install Ubuntu on another partition, but no Win XP anymore. Anything wrong in my BIOS?

Nothing you have said would necessarily indicate a BIOS problem. I would guess that Ubuntu is all that is allowed to load in the boot up.
Do you get an option on boot to select either XP or Ubuntu?
Go "Start" "Run" and type "msconfig" without the " " Click on "Bootini" tab and see what is the default, see if the windows is still there and press the tab "Check all boot paths"
Post back with what you find out.

moring Bob, up to early again.
i know it sounds confusing but post said now no winxp anymore.

I am now running XP again. I managed however to install Ubuntu on another partition, but no Win XP anymore.

until I tried to repair some XP problems with my Win XP install CD, when I got stuck on a screen with a message saying, ...no HDD,...press F3 to cancel

you got this message because winxp has no sata drivers in it so it did not recognize the sata drive ,options are a setting in the bios[to emulate sata ] or slipstream sata drivers into a copy of winxp

you got this message because winxp has no sata drivers in it so it did not recognize the sata drive ,options are a setting in the bios[to emulate sata ] or slipstream sata drivers into a copy of winxp

Yep, exactly. Use something like nlite for the sisptream. The option in the BIOS is called something like IDE emulation mode.

The option in the BIOS is called something like IDE emulation mode.

right new it was something like that ,thanks

Please tell me it is OK and it is not my PC! I just posted a problem with a new drive appearing on my PC now I find jbennet and caperjack with new avaters. Are they new or is my PC really playing up?? lol

Please tell me it is OK and it is not my PC! I just posted a problem with a new drive appearing on my PC now I find jbennet and caperjack with new avaters. Are they new or is my PC really playing up?? lol

new ,really good mood today ,feel like a new me, so I'm starting fresh .lol

I am now running XP again. I managed however to install Ubuntu on another partition, but no Win XP anymore.

You are correct, very confusing, "I am now running XP again" "but no Win XP anymore."

I assumed that he had XP installed on one partition but since he has installed Ubuntu, he can't access the XP installation. I thought he would have to install a 3rd party multi boot manager. Now I have no idea.

I am also confused with how he could be running XP on a drive that is not recognized by windows?

I am also confused with how he could be running XP on a drive that is not recognized by windows?

from his first post .
so I transferred the OS (thks Acronis) to the new one[new harddrive ]


now I find jbennet and caperjack with new avaters. Are they new or is my PC really playing up?? lol


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