My PC has been very slow and glitchy for a while now. I used to play Fallout 3 at 60FPS and all my other games at good framerates. I haven't played Fallout lately cuz it always freezes my PC now and if it works, it'll work for less than 2 min. at like 15FPS. I can't watch HD content anymore because it glitches when it didn't used to.

I have an Athlon 64 X2 5000+ BE. I check it out on CPU-Z and the HT Link is at 200MHz. I remember seeing 2000MHz back when it was working fine. I went to BIOS and changed it to 2000MHz but when I boot up and check, CPU-Z says its at 1000MHz. I know 2000MHz is default because all the websites say the HT is at 2000MHz. I tried Fallout after the change and it played nicely for like 1 min then froze up my PC

Could this be my CPU's problem? What else could be the problem?

Could this be my CPU's problem? What else could be the problem?

HEAT, caused by dust buildup or faulty fans

Temp on CPU is never over 52'C and I clean my heatsink of dust. I can see all five of my fans working perfectly.

i would suspect the video card then

What about the whole HT Link then? My video card is 9600 GT. I can only replace either the CPU or Vid card because I don't have enough money for both. I know vid card would be the obvious choice for games to run better, but my games ran fine until my CPU started acting up.

What about the whole HT Link then? My video card is 9600 GT. I can only replace either the CPU or Vid card because I don't have enough money for both. I know vid card would be the obvious choice for games to run better, but my games ran fine until my CPU started acting up.

i certainly wouldn't go out and buy either on anything i say .lol
i don't know much about HT but just read that 1000 is high and i don't this 2000 [think that would extreme overclocking ]would be recommended ,[ tnat was from a 08 post ]ht is used by the cpu to transport info to video and other devices ,any chance you motherboard has onboard video adapter to hook up to to see how cpu works.
this is newer post about ht

oh no. I've been meaning to replace one of them earlier, it's just i'm tired of not being able to do what I used to on my PC, but still don't know which one would be the wiser choice.

oh no. I've been meaning to replace one of them earlier, it's just i'm tired of not being able to do what I used to on my PC, but still don't know which one would be the wiser choice.

first you need to troubleshoot and figure out what one is causing the problem ,i will ask this question again one last time ,?????
does you motherboard have onboard video adapter you could try instead of you other video adapter to see how things work

Are you talking about the bus speed, or the HT link? Do you have Cool & Quiet enabled?
HT link on mine is 1800 stock. Increasing it does not increase the performance much at all.
Bus speed should be 200Mhz stock.
How about posting a screenie of CPU_z.

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