Recently I had a small problem to log in my computer. After getting password it just remains idle for a longer time, only showing my desktop background. I tried to repair the OS... But no bootable CD is running, so i am not able to proceed further... I don't know whether it is a hardware problem... Any one please provide me some guidelines...

Thanks in advance

After getting password it just remains idle for a longer time, only showing my desktop background.

at this point ,do alt+ctrl+del to bring up task manager go to file /new and type in explorer.exe,hit enter , see what happens

Thank you for your kind response...
I already did this many times before you had suggested. Even I'm not able to open task manager at this stage.

And I've already said that no bootable cd is working with my computer. Please help me if possible...

Did you try Safe Mode or Last Known good configuration? If you did not press F8 right after POST (BIOS) and select one of the options.

Even I tried those options also....
Now i find no way to recover back since there is a serious problem with booting with CD/DVD ROM...

Anyone please concentrate on this area...


Does the machine normally boot from CD's? Do your bootable CD's boot in another machine.

If the computer is loading windows past the login prompt I can't see why a live CD wont work, as long as BIOS is set to boot from the removable media.

Other than that, as already suggested, try safe mode or last known.....
If they are not working - is there a recovery partition on the hdd? What recover/restore options are you given when you boot up.

You don't give much details about the computer so it is hard to give exact advice.

Still puzzling about the Disc problem.

I assume the drive is working....?

Well... Details about my system:
Acer travlemate 5720 laptop ... Intel pentium Core 2 Duo 1 GB main memory... 160 GB Hard disk...

it doesn't have any recovery partition or disk...

CDs are working well in other computers... Damn sure that fault is not with the CDs...

Ok, so CD's wont work.....
Have you tried booting from a live USB?
Make sure your hardware supports this and it is enabled in the BIOS, then give it a go.


Thanks for your continous response...
This works... I have copied all the booting files to the USB drive. Now it is done...

Thank you again.

Glad that worked for you, hopefully you'll be up and running again in no time.

Keep the USB drive to hand though, just in case...

Thank you for your kind response...
I already did this many times before you had suggested. Even I'm not able to open task manager at this stage.

And I've already said that no bootable cd is working with my computer. Please help me if possible...

hi, had you said you tried that in your first post ,i would not have posted it ,thanks

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