Hello everyone, I really need some help. I am using a Asus M2N-SLI Deluxe motherboard and have ran many operating systems on it with no problem. I have installed XP on this same machine MANY of times. I wanted to install XP on one of my new SATA 1TB drives. I get the blue screen of death at the same point during installation. It will let me pick the partition, it recognizes my SATA drive, and after it copies over the files needed to install XP, it will reboot like normal. Then it goes to the more graphical part of the installation where you see how many minutes are remaining and all that. and then it will give me the Blue Screen of Death!! Everytime is happens on this spot. I have tried 5 different hardrives, only 1 SATA and the other 4 are IDE. I was able to install Windows 7 Ultimate with no problem. I checked the RAM and even installed it with just 1 RAM chip and the same error came up. I have tried to use different DVD drives, different IDE and SATA cables. and my BIOS doesnt support the option to change the SATA CONTROLLER to IDE/ATA. Please help me!

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


Are you loading SATA drivers at initial start up? (Most likely reason)

Older motherboards need these on floppy, later motherboards should be able to load these from a USB stick at install time, press f6 to load storage controllers as Windows XP first statrts install.

Other issue might be that original Windows XP cannot support drives larger than 137 Gb, create a partition for it on your new drive this size or smaller, and install it there.

This applies equally to any partitions you want XP to be able to use, so if you want XP to use all of your 1 Tb drive, it will need about 7 partitions on it.

I believe this issue was fixed from Service pack 2 onwards, slipstream SP2, SP3 and SATA drivers into your install disk, and try again, should be ok.

A simple one is WinToFlash. Free, too.

Hello everyone, I really need some help. I am using a Asus M2N-SLI Deluxe motherboard and have ran many operating systems on it with no problem. I have installed XP on this same machine MANY of times. I wanted to install XP on one of my new SATA 1TB drives. I get the blue screen of death at the same point during installation. It will let me pick the partition, it recognizes my SATA drive, and after it copies over the files needed to install XP, it will reboot like normal. Then it goes to the more graphical part of the installation where you see how many minutes are remaining and all that. and then it will give me the Blue Screen of Death!! Everytime is happens on this spot. I have tried 5 different hardrives, only 1 SATA and the other 4 are IDE. I was able to install Windows 7 Ultimate with no problem. I checked the RAM and even installed it with just 1 RAM chip and the same error came up. I have tried to use different DVD drives, different IDE and SATA cables. and my BIOS doesnt support the option to change the SATA CONTROLLER to IDE/ATA. Please help me!

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


The first thing that suggests itself is the lack of a driver for the new disk. Early in the install process, you are asked if there arev any new drivers that need to be installed from floppy (or wherever). Did you receive any software with your drive that could be installed at this stage? Are you installing on to the new drive, or will it be your data drive. You might try installing XP first on an old IDE drive without the new drive, then add the new one after installation.

The WintoFlash post hit the wrong thread; sorry.
He gets way past the stage where a Sata driver is required by Setup. And it is failing to install on IDE drives [in his post].
Do you have any USB devices connected whilst attempting Setup? Disconnect your router [is it connected via USB, btw?].

Are you using Window XP SP1, SP2 or SP3? For SP1 you may need the SATA driver. Have you check the RAM. That may also be the problem.

I am using a Windows Setup disk with SP3 integrated. I have tried many different disks and many different drives. Not just SATA. I have no idea what could be causing this at this point.. I really appreciate all of your help. I have checked the RAM and have also tried installing with only 1 RAM stick inserted, then just 1 other RAM stick inserted, etc. Anyone got any other ideas?

Also, My router is only connected by a RJ45 cable and there are no USB devices connected to the computer. The computer was not connected to the network during any of the setup attempts.

I have also tried the suggestion of creating a smaller partition and still had the same results. I tried a 25GB partition and then tried a 50GB partition. I also used a different program to create the partition and then used the XP disk to format it with NTFS. I have tried the quick and non-quick format.

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