Not sure if Virtual PC 2007 is considered a server but I ask anyway. Would like to install to a USB drive then install some development software... visual studio express, C#, etc.

Youtube has every virtual variation except the scenario I seek. Seeking guidance

Youtube has every virtual variation except the scenario I seek. Seeking guidance

the reason, but i could be wrong i think virtual pc needs to be installed and run from within a windows environment,

Unless they have totally changed Virtual PC in the last three years, VPC is not an operating system. It is an environment which created virtual machines. In other words, you run VPC, then create a virtual machine into which you install whatever OS you want to run. If you have a copy of Windows Server then you install that OS. If you have a copy of Windows XP then you install that one. You can have multiple virtual machines. I used a similar (but better) product (VMWare) in which I set up multiple concurrent servers and workstations. Of course, if by "server" you meant something else like "web server" then I can't be of help.

Much thanks for your timely reply. Perhaps I should rephrase... I also have a need to run some applications from a USB drive. The solutions I've found only offer predetermined applications to choose from. Looking for something that would allow me to install a few applications of my own choosing. Much thanks for your continued support

Phil Pense

Unless they have totally changed Virtual PC in the last three years, VPC is not an operating system. It is an environment which created virtual machines. In other words, you run VPC, then create a virtual machine into which you install whatever OS you want to run. If you have a copy of Windows Server then you install that OS. If you have a copy of Windows XP then you install that one. You can have multiple virtual machines. I used a similar (but better) product (VMWare) in which I set up multiple concurrent servers and workstations. Of course, if by "server" you meant something else like "web server" then I can't be of help.

Hello, This was such a nice info relating you have shared with us. I like it because I was seeking for this from long time. Hope this will benefits all who land up here.
Keep sharing………Thanks!!
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I believe you are asking if you can run a portable application from a usb drive off a virtual machine, am I correct?

This thread states that USB is supported in Virtual PC since USB is supported it depends if the operating system you install supports the application you want to run.

I had almost same issue in the past and I solved it by migrating to VirtualBox. Later on I started using portable version:

Migration from virtualPC to VirtualBox is quite easy. So if you still need it, this is a good way.

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