which one is the most efficient borwser which can provide speed and provide compatibility with add on and different softwares.

All depends if it was made in New York City.
Got enough spam links in your signature?

I thought i reported him? Speed you can try out Opera, that's what Crunchie always said;)


Firefox may do

Google Chrome

For speed, safety add on compatibility you can try Mozilla Firefox.
It rocks on all type of connections and is fully customizable with thousands of
add-ons and themes.
It is truly fully loaded, robust and secure browser.

If you are on a extremely slow connection you can also try 'Google chrome'.

I have tried many browsers and find the best by far is Mozilla Firefox. It has Less chance of crashes than IE and protects or foretells the user if there is a threat on the site it is being directed to.

This tutorial forum has a good breakdown of the pros and cons of the different browsers. There are also graphs with speed tests, so you can see how efficient each browser is at specific tasks.

Mozilla Firefox will really do. I love that browser and it never fails me.

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