This is not really an issue, just more of an information gathering.

I've read in many places to go to this location to change the Shell Interface icons in Windows XP...

""HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\explorer\Shell Icons""

My main question is though, where is the "Shell Icons" item in the registry?

Every time I've looked in the registry and searched it I find nothing.

Also I don't feel like extracting and compiling a DLL to get my icons to work for the system icons (My Computer, Network Locations, Start Menu, and so on).

Any assistance would be great.

Sorry for the late reply. Try taking a look at this link. It might help a bit. Scroll down until you see something like changing XP Icon. Good luck:)

I've seen that before but it still refers to the location that I for some reason cannot seem to find.

""HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\explorer\Shell Icons""

I can navigate to the 'Explorer' location but from there i don't see anything referencing 'Shell Icons'.

Also I don't feel like extracting and compiling a DLL to get my icons to work for the system icons (My Computer, Network Locations, Start Menu, and so on).

Any assistance would be great.

a little rusty here ! please explain what you mean by the above statement , exactly what icon do you need to have in my computer ,thanks

here what i think ,right click on the start button /go properties / change to classic view , then customize, then add ,then navigate to the program you want to add ,and click on its .exe file to add the icon to the start menu ,then you can change it back to start menu from classic view ,i could only find a way to add them in classic mode

also if you are looking to change the look of an icon ,say on the desktop ,right click on the icon go properties /change icon /then browse /and navigate to c:\windows\system32\shell32.exe, you will be presented with a list of different icons,also just found this one ,pifmgr.dll

just reread and realize you are also looking to change icons like the mycomputer icon and that a bit more in depth than any info i just posted .i checked my winxp mode and the registry doesn't show the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\explorer\Shell Icons either.

Yes those are what I am trying to change, My Computer, My Documents, and so on. I find many tools that can do it but there has to be something in the registry that gets changed to make those modifications. I'm mainly looking for creating a different look for my computer from scratch without using the Windows XP Themes so that when I'm done I'll have a fully customized theme.

if you created custom icons you can use them ,just right click on the desktop /properties/desktop/customize desktop/click on the mycomputer icon,network icon , ect ect /choose change icon, and browse to the custom icon you created or downloaded .

I'll give that a shot. I didn't see that there before.


The shell icons key isn't in the registry by default. if you want to change the icons, you have to add the key in yourself.

  1. This thread was already marked as solved.
  2. I really doubt that an XP answer needs further updating.

Thank you!!

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