I,m using HSDPA modem to connect to the internet. after connect to the internet, it is increasing amount of data received automatically. (without open my browser) i think the reason is some programs are auto updating. so how to detect whether my programs are auto updating...? I'm using windows vista and un tick auto updating. but still happening it. please help me.

Click on start button and type 'msconfig' inside the blank box just above the start button (vista logo). Hit Enter afterwards
Click on startup tab and untick software that you doesn't need to run on startup (which possibly the reason it auto update) like Java, Adobe Reader etc. but don't untick program from system32.

Other option would be install a good firewall like ZoneAlarm and you'll be asked for confirmation when a program or software attempts to access internet.This way you can stop the programs trying to access internet.

I,m using HSDPA modem to connect to the internet. after connect to the internet, it is increasing amount of data received automatically. (without open my browser) i think the reason is some programs are auto updating. so how to detect whether my programs are auto updating...? I'm using windows vista and un tick auto updating. but still happening it. please help me.

Just go to control panel select window update there was a setting given there change settingjust click it
There given Important update just change there Never check for update(not recommended)
and enjoy...........................

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