hey i'm using windows 7..since last 2 days my D: drive has been filling up space itself..i deleted some files and created 2GB free space..but again that space is automatically filled up..my D: drive has total 90GB allocated to it..but all the files stored in it make only 87GB..so i'm confused about where the 3GB space has vanished because it shows only 4KB free space..please help

Are the new files going into a specific folder? What types of files are being created? Are they being creted at a particular time of day? Are the new files associated with a particular program?

no i don't see new files being created..i added the sizes of all the files/folders in D: drive..the sum is 3GB less than the size of the D: drive..if I delete some files and free some space, it'll again be filled up but I don't know by what..because the files/folders are not occupying that space

Maybe the mystery files are set to hidden. Go into the folder settings and enable to view hidden files.

Have you tried running a virus/malware scan on the drive? Check also whether your hibernate option is switched on and if so where it is storing the file

i just installed avg free version and tried to update it..but i can't update it, i can't even go to avg's website..though all the other websites are opening fine..i also can't access any antivirus' websites for online scanning

plus I already did the "Show hidden files too"..there aren't any

Check also what system restore size is set to, and the pagefile specification, if there is one on your D: drive.
A program like MyDefrag will identify the "stolen" space for you.

Check your back up settings. You may have selected your "D" as the destination for back ups. It happened to me, and all I did was to change the destination of the back ups to a disk with more space.

Also it could be that the files that you have stored there are infected with a virus, coz a virus always executes itself, thus taking up your space. You may want to try scanning your computer with a more sophisticated antivirus.

i freed some space and the filling up has stopped up for time being..i think it was some kind of virus..thanks everyone for your suggestions

This has all the hallmarks of something malicious. You would be very wise to run the likes of Malwarebytes and then Superantispyware.

Ditch AVG, Avast covers a lot more bases than most virus checkers.

hey I can't open the site for Malwarebytes though other sites are opening fine..How do i download that??

The virus may be blocking your access, try downloading it from here instead.


Have you made back-ups of your important data? If you have already, then be careful what you reintroduce to your system later, get a good antivirus and Malwarebytes to sweep through it all.

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