my CPU can be 50% or even 100% with online videos(i'm using firefox, but i notice on chrome too).
maybe i have the Hadware\Video Acellerator Activated or something. can anyone advice me?
- audio seems playing normaly;
- video can freezes some frames :(


Can you post the spec of your PC?


Have you checked all your drivers for graphics are uptodate?

Have you tried a lower quality of the video incase your graphics are struggling?

A 2GHz CPU and 256MB of video RAM is pretty minimal these days. What happens when you run videos outside of Firefox? Also, how much RAM does your system have (besides video RAM)? Firefox on my Linux system takes at least 600MB.

memory shared 1151MB; video system memory 0MB; and have 3GB's of ram. i use the firefox, but the chrome have the same problem

If you are using a Dual core processor, there's nothing to wonder about

May be your CPU have less memory of you can post the full specification here.

Pretty much only by getting a new one. Dual cores nowadays are getting outdated pretty quick .. I still have an old pc(8-9 years) with a dual core intel. I've experienced exactly the same thing as you and out of curiousity I tried running different operating systems on it and even with lightweight ones like elementaryOS i still experienced high cpu usage performance, unlike my laptop has i7 processor and idle is 0% usage constantly

the internet explorer can show me the online video without so many problems. but the browser is very slow :(
any advice please?

Internet explorer is a browser, what do you refer to when saying a browser? Google Chrome?

problem resolved, but i'm confused.
the firefox or other browser activated the Flash Player addon, but not on video. on video, i was, always with HTML 5, instead Flash Player(i have seen the video menu). for resolve that i installed another addon for activate the Flash Player. i'm confused, because, on past, these never happen :(

firefox can be take extra RAM usage, sometime get effect for CPU usage.
pls try use "Momo - Web Browser Optimizer",this will help to optimize firefox memory usage od your computer

commented: thanks +3
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