I have a USB token that uses UDF 2.0 format, I want to format FAT32 or NTFS in win7. How do I format the USB formatted FAT32 ?

AOMEI Partition Assistant Pro Edition 6.5 is the best solution for it i am using it past few years and i give it 5/5 rate you must try it. this convert file system without loosing data.

I also tried the software you said but did not

You can use the Windows disk management console, diskmgmt.msc. Right click the USB disk and select Format. Pick the file system type on the format dialog.

If that doesn't work you can always use the diskpart.exe utility from the command line, but you gave to be running the shell as Administrator. Be very careful using diskpart as it is easier to destroy your system if you select the wrong disk.

Some USB sticks have two partitions, one of which contains non-modifiable code (effectively a CD). I never use this feature and usually just use disk manager to remove the drive letter so that it doesn't appear in Explorer. I have had some older sticks that I was unable to format without using diskpart's clean command to wipe. Again, I must caution that you be extremely careful when using this. If you clean the wrong disk/partition there is no going back. You can avoid mistakes by doing a list disk in diskpart and doing a select disk on the disk with the correct size.

its not possible can you share the screen shots of error msg.

Looking at your image, I have to ask - you said you wanted to format a USB token. Based on that image, you haven't inserted one. Where is the USB drive you want to format?

Why are you linking to another site when you can just upload the images here?

From the little I can find out it looks like that is not a USB storage device but some sort of security token. If you want USB storage then buy a storage device.

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