**Will some near genius create a fireworks screensaver with current clock display for me for free? PLEASE?
I have searched the web for two days and have found nothing. Is it even possible?

Either way, may God bless you!

Peace to all. **

Didn't Microsoft Windows have this built-into their OS many, many years ago?

commented: It did but no onscreen date&time feature. +16

On the mac, there's a little checkbox that says "Show with clock".


commented: Nice. The last time I saw Windows fire works SS was in Windows 3 with some addon pack. No clock. +0

Key words, FREE and CLOCK! Friends, is the combination even possible?
Please advise.

I didn't see any mention it must be free in the request. Are you having LOG IN ISSUES? I see you have a second account here.

While I could write one, my works have all been for companies and paid for. I haven't written a free app in decades.

Lacking a screen-saver (which is no longer required to save your display) why not just download a fireworks video and have it play full-screen on repeat?

Thank you Reverend Jim.

Let's add Current Date and Time to VLC Player! Read https://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation:Modules/marq

Huzzah! "This example displays the current date and time in yellow in the top left corner of video."
VLC Player runs on Apple OS, Windows, Linux and what else?

Where may I download the "Marqe" app? I think that may be just what I was looking for.
I thank you kind people.

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