I have a toshiba 6100 that will not start the message that gives is: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: System32\Drivers\Ntfs.sys
I tried to use the Windows XP disk to recover but I am unable to access the disk. The disk does boot ( i can hear it and its set to boot first) but it will not start to gain access it continues to give me different messages or just shuts down and restarts in the same manner.

What were the other different messages?

Perhaps the disk isn't bootable.

I tried the disk in other laptop and it works, I press f1 for the BIOS and the cdrom is set to run first it goes to windows setup but that the farthest it goes. I tried it many times still no luck. twice i received: (File setupdd.sys could not be loaded the error code is 4) 3 or 4 other times i recieved (An unexpected error 1297301844 occurred at line 1768 in d:\xpclient\base\boot\setup\arcdisp.c.

others times just goes blank and nothing happens

Microsofts site claims it the error 4 could be caused by a hardware issue. Incompatible or damaged maybe.

The only time I ever ran into the ntfs.sys error was with a fried hard drive. Everything I've read about that error and the error 4 issue revolves around a hardware problem.

I went to use my computer and it won't boot up. It's a sony Vaio VCS411. I get an error message : Windows unable to start because of missing or corrupt system32 ntfs files. XP came pre-installed, so how do I boot it up?

You must either enter your Recovery partition on your hard disk if it exists and copy over the system32/drivers/ntfs.sys file, or use a bootable cd such as an XP installation cd to copy that file from the i386 folder.

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