Hello I've had Vista installed for about 3 weeks now at least if not more. For some reason the Hard Disk Quota is reading 53.8 GB. I did a check on every single folder on my computer to see what is taking up so much. The Largest Folder Sizes are about 9 Gigs for the C:\Windows Folder and 1.8 Gigs for Music and 1 Gig for Pictures. Everything else is under that. I didn't do a fresh install (I know I know big mistake but the Vista Upgrade CD was asking for my RAID Drivers even though I don't have the CD for that). I can't seem to figure out what could be taking up so much! I tried disk defragment that brought it up to 62 but then it dropped back down to 53.8 after it was done. Am I better off backing up everything on my computer and just do a fresh install with the upgrade DVD? I own and Alienware m5700 laptop and I wouldn't even know how to get the Raid Drivers.

anyone please? its been about 24 hrs now and still have received no help.

Chances are there is a folder on there that is hidden or something that you arn't seeing. Keep in mind that the NTFS parition will reserve space for the filesystem maintnance tools like page files etc, so if you have a 73GB Drive, expect to only use about 60GB once all is said and done. If you have an alienware laptop, chances are they also have a rescue partition on there, which uses about 10GB, so I could see 53GB available out of a 73GB disk.

When you say quota, are you saying 53GB is used or is 53GB available.

Chances are there is a folder on there that is hidden or something that you arn't seeing. Keep in mind that the NTFS parition will reserve space for the filesystem maintnance tools like page files etc, so if you have a 73GB Drive, expect to only use about 60GB once all is said and done. If you have an alienware laptop, chances are they also have a rescue partition on there, which uses about 10GB, so I could see 53GB available out of a 73GB disk.

When you say quota, are you saying 53GB is used or is 53GB available.

both...my laptop has a 100GB HDD. and a good half of it is missing. i installed a program that told me what is taking up the most and theres files in my user profile thats taking up a whole lot but i cant tell if they are important or not.

I renamed my user account and created a new one and transfered the files I needed over to the new account. I deleted the account and I got back about 20 gigs I now have 70 GB Left of Storage space. This seemed to solve the problem. But now theres a slight problem. The secondary account took over the first user profile folder but the folder it originally was associated with still exists. It cant delete the following files:

ntuser.dat.LOG1, ntuser.dat.LOG2 and the AppData folder.

It keeps telling me they are in use. Any Ideas on how to remove these unwanted files and folders?

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