My Windows XP SP2 is stuck in Safe Mode. I would like to get it out without doing a "Repair" from the CD, if it will do that. I have checked the boot.ini and it appears to be consistant with some I have looked at online. It appears I may have some startup programs, missing although not sure.

Here is what it will not do:

It will not go into safemode using F8, it only offers bootup OS choices, of which I have only 1,Windows XP

It will not allow you to boot into the Recovery Mode of Windows XP using the CD-- it reboots.

The only way that I can get it into, "SafeMode", is to wait until I see the Windows Splash Screen, and then shut it down. It comes back up and offers me the choices of SafeMode, and I selected, /with networking, so I can get on the Internet.

It will not restore the computer to a time when the settings worked.
It will not do a "system restore" from the numerous choices I have selected

It will not run sfc/scannow in Dos or SafeMode

HELP PLEASE! Thanks in advance.

I fixed this problem right after I posted my thread. I uninstalled the video card drivers, which had never gave me any problems, and rebooted and reinstalled them. The computer came right up in full-mode.
In the interim, thanks to anyone who thought about helping me over the last couple of days, since no one did.

sorry, friend, i've been offline...

but glad ya got it resolved.

sorry, friend, i've been offline...

but glad ya got it resolved.

That's OK pal, new here on the board, just seeing if it was going to be a viable one for posting problems. Since, you had the courtesy to answer me, I'll stick around for awhile.

well, that's good! i'm new here too...

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