My husband and I have been using file sharing on Windows XP Home for some time now with no problems. Today I decided I wanted to share my Microsoft Money 99 folder with him. Got it set up and checked it on my computer. No problem. Went to his computer and clicked on the folder and got the following message: "The application has failed to start because mnyob99.dll was not found". I checked and that file is in the MSMoney System folder. This really has me puzzled. Anyone know what's going on?

are u accessing the files through money program on his computer????

He does not have Microsoft Money installed on his computer. I want him to access through the Shared Folders option. Do I need to install the full program on his computer? I thought file sharing was set up to work without having to have it on the networked computer.

he would not be able to open the files unless he has the program on his computer. means if u want hin to read a letter you wrote in microsoft word on your pc, he would have to have microsoft word installed on his pc to read the file, sure sharing will allow him to see the file but he will not be able to open them unless he has the associated program for that file, in your case money 99.

Dang! What am I missing here. I installed the program on his computer. When he clicks on the file, instead of the shared file, the new Money program opens ready to set up. Why isn't he able to see the shared file???

When he clicks on the file, instead of the shared file, the new Money program opens ready to set up. Why isn't he able to see the shared file???

once you install the program on his pc, click on open to access the file, and broswe to the shared folder on your pc, if that does not work try accessing the folder throught windows explorer if he can access the file, there might be an issue with money 99. i am not sure what the above quote means

Thanks for all your help. I have figured out a work around solution and it seems to be working.

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