
I'm a new user, so sorry if this has been covered. I looked but didn't yet see this topic.

I have a home-built XP Pro machine with a Linksys LNE100TX(v5) Ethernet adapter. This morning a CenturyTel tech switched me from my ADSL connection to their cable service, and now I can't connect. I'm currently using the same cable connection on my wife's Dell laptop and it works fine, but not on my desktop box. The issue clearly seems to be with my computer.

So far, I have disabled all firewalls and security programs, done numerous restarts, checked drivers, etc. The computer sees the cable, but hunts and hunts for an IP address for the session and never finds it. It works instantly on this laptop (as well as on the tech's laptop). It worked just fine an hour before with my old ADSL connection.

I'm not a networking guru, so any thoughts would be most welcome! I suspect there's a weird setting I can't find somewhere.

Thanks for any help you can give.


Check and make sure that your tcp/ip settings are set to obtain ip address automatically. If you are set to a manual ip address, the new service will not be able to assign an ip.

Check this by right clicking on the two little computer screens in your system tray by the time. Right click on the network port and choose properties. If set to manual change both ip and dns to set automatically.

Check and make sure that your tcp/ip settings are set to obtain ip address automatically. If you are set to a manual ip address, the new service will not be able to assign an ip.

Check this by right clicking on the two little computer screens in your system tray by the time. Right click on the network port and choose properties. If set to manual change both ip and dns to set automatically.

Thanks. Did that and it didn't help. I also checked my networking settings against my wife's laptop computer to see if they were the same and they are. The cable works on hers, but not on mine.

Can there be compatibility issues with my networking card and the 2Wire cable box, maybe?

Thanks again.

Sorry, I also should mention that CenturyTel's guy worked with their tech support and they couldn't figure it out, either.

I don't think that it is a compatiblility issue with your network card. Have you tried doing a repair on the network connection?
If so, is it assigning an ip address or does it say that it can't be repaired?

Have you checked your antivirus software.
1)Disable the antivirus program for a while and check the browsing.
2)If there is an yellow mark symbol on the lancard(local area network)- then try to give ip address manually.

I don't think that it is a compatiblility issue with your network card. Have you tried doing a repair on the network connection?
If so, is it assigning an ip address or does it say that it can't be repaired?

Tried the repair and it said it couldn't do it because it was unable to acquire an IP address. Also tried reinstalling the Linksys ethernet adapter and drivers. Nothing. Bummer.

Thanks for the suggestion. I disabled all my security software (firewall, malware, virus, etc.), but it didn't help. Now I'm trying to check my system for any bad stuff that might be there. I read in another forum that sometime malware can cause this problem.

Malware could be causing your problem but I would think that it would be blocking your old connection. Since the repair didn't work, that means that the adapter isn't seeing the DHCP server. Is the cable modem showing in device manager? Is your old modem showing there too?

I don't see the cable modem in Device Manager. I can see the Linksys adapter, the 1394 Net adapter, and my old Intel Pro/1000 MT Desktop adapter (disabled). No conflicts are showing.

There is no modem category in my DM currently. I'm on our laptop now and the 2Wire cable modem doesn't seem to show in this DM, either, even though the connection is working fine.

I'm starting to think new ethernet adapter?

It may be a problem with the ethernet adapter. If the intel adapter that is disabled works, then enable it and see if it gets an ip address.

Got it!

I had to enter a static IP in the connection setup. I found an old string on another forum that walked somebody else through an identical problem. It's at http://icrontic.com/forum/showthread.php?=33235, if anyone is interested.

Many thanks for all the suggestions cpudude and ghostrecog. I really appreciate the support on this.

You may have to disconnect the power from the modem then re-connect it.... (If the system is anything like ROADRUNNER,the modem most likely loses sync due to bad network conditions (That would result in NO IP being assigned to your computer @ bootup))

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