i want to upgrade my pc....i have pentium-4,160 gb hard disk,256 mb RAM.. which 1 is better dual core? core 2 duo ? or core 2 quad... i want to speed up d apps ..as requiremnts r incrsng,,need for more softwares has led my pc to go slowand hang up in d mid ......

plzzz help...

ok This is not a timely response but...

First I have a few questions I need to ask so i can provide you the best answer.

1. Your asking about the processor. this means your also upgrading the main board and mem. What board are you looking at and how much ram?
2. Right now your only running 256meg ram. Unless your running windows 2k I would up this to 1gig at least.
3. core 2 duo = two processors where as core 2 quad= four processors. To be honest depend on your OS and main board and the apps your using if the quad would be better.
4. What video card you getting/have? running a low end video card could bottleneck your system.
5. how much cache does each processor have?

i want to upgrade my pc....i have pentium-4,160 gb hard disk,256 mb RAM.. which 1 is better dual core? core 2 duo ? or core 2 quad... i want to speed up d apps ..as requiremnts r incrsng,,need for more softwares has led my pc to go slowand hang up in d mid ......

plzzz help...

actually i dont knw ki which mothr borad or ram wud be suitable.. i just wanna speed up my pc.. wanna run linux and windows both on my pc..and i need to hv a numbr of softwares ..so need sufficiently large memory..

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