I am trying to access files on my XP comp with my computer that has 98, such as My Documents etc. For some reason it won't let me access it. I dont have a logon password on the XP comp nor do I have one on the 98.



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The My Documents folder (and all other user-specific folders) can only be accessed by that user on that machine (unless you configure roaming user profiles which are a pain to setup and maintain or if you seriously mangle the built-in file access permissions for those folders). If you want to access those files, put them in a non-user-specific folder.

My suggestion is to try and use windows network wizard.
I'm sure this is the answer to your problem. Just run it on
the XP computer, set it as you would like, and create a
Floppy Disk that you can you set the network in the 98
Good Luck
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