I recently did a system recovery on my toshiba/satellite/laptop and now i can access wireless internet. It was preinstalled on the laptop, so i don't have any other software, except the system recovery cd. What can i do?

Does the Internet work with a cable?

Yes it only works with a cable, but not wireless

Yes it only works with a cable, but not wireless

The Toshiba Satellite (mine, at least) has a Wifi switch on it. It's near where your hands would be if you were typing, just on the bottom. You may have accidentally flipped this switch. Flip it to the ON position to turn it on (duh?).
If this doesn't work, find out what kind of wireless card you have and reinstall its driver.

i agree with orwell84. Most toshiba computers have two buttons at the side your computer. one of them is used to turn on and off your bluetooth. the other want is to enable or disable your wireless. Turn on your wireless and see whether it helps.

The WiFi button is in the ON position.
I can't reinstall the driver due to the WiFi being preinstalled on the laptop when it was purchased. I only have a system recovery CD and when I used it, it somehow disabled my WiFi.

Why did you use the system recovery disk in the first place sometimes it can corrupt your data

I think you can try reinstall your hard drive, it might help. The wireless service was already pre-installed on your computer reinstalling your computer won't delete the wireless

The computer belonged to my brother & he wanted to clear all of his stuff off. So he did the system recovery.
I don't know much about computers, so how would I go about reinstalling the hard drive? It only came with 1 CD & that's the recovery one.

Aks your brother he might know. Or you ca purchase the disk from a shop. the disk might be able to use it on your computer

Hi Is there a driver for the wireless card in device manager,you may need to uninstall the driver and reinstall the driver(reboot)

Hi Is there a driver for the wireless card in device manager,you may need to uninstall the driver and reinstall the driver(reboot)

I agree with cypher but in some case there are no diver for the wi-fi card. Check your computer to see whether there is a driver. If yes follow Cypher advice

update the driver of your WAN port, go to the website of Toshiba a lot of driver's for their product....

Yes, reinstalling the hard drive will help.

If you go into the device manager through the system icon in the control panel....start, control panel, system, hardware, device manager are there any devices with a yellow ? next to them. If there is you can try to uninstall then right click at the top and scan for hardware changes. If you do this while the Ethernet connection is plugged in to an active internet connection and then let the computer search for drivers by following the prompts it may find the correct driver on its own. If not you can go to the manufacturers website and download the driver.
Hope this helps.

try to goto toshiba website download the WLAN driver for your laptop....

Update the Driver. Thread solved.

Go for buying a CD then if there is no other solution for it.

Is your wifi card properly installed. Update all drivers

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