Hello, I'm interested in becoming a computer software engineer when I get older. I'm currently a sophmore in highschool enrolled in an engineering program. I enjoy it a lot and plan to take the program throughout the rest of my highschool career.

For one of our projects I need to interview an engineer from an engineering field that I'm interested in. I searched through google, yahoo answers, this website, and I even emailed a few engineers at colleges near my area but with no luck. I'm willing to show effort however you need me to.

Anyway, here are the questions. You can reply to this thread or email the answers to me at:
<email removed>

Interviewee name:

Interviewee’s specific degree:

Interviewee’s place of employment:

Interviewee’s email address and/or phone:

Please describe your engineering field.

What is your current job title?

Please describe your particular job and duties.

What is your average work schedule?

Starting with high school, describe your educational background chronologically.

If you had it to do over, related to your career or education, would you do anything differently?

What advice would you give to me as someone interested in pursuing a career path similar to yours?

If anyone could help me out that would be great!

Your interview has no unique questions, try searching the forum for previous people asking the same thing. After a few dozen times, it gets old for those of us being interviewed.

I did actually find a couple of the answers in other forums, but they don't match up. The interview just doesn't really make since if multiple people are answering questions about the job because not everyone has the same job.

I understand where you're coming from though.

I understand where you're coming from though.

That's all it takes to be happy here......understanding

Well I'm still open to anyone helping me. I really need this.

I'm willing to do whatever.

I'm willing to do whatever.

Are you willing to take Narue's advise?

I already did, I went through and looked even before I posted this thread. But like I said, the interview just doesn't really make since if multiple people are answering questions about the job because not everyone has the same job.

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