I am a beginner. I have designed a simple site in HTML.
I want to add a login and register page.
And I want to add a database to store the login and register informations.

Can anyone help me with this?
I am beginner in database.

You need a serverside language like ASP

i eqally have the same problem and i need urgent help can some body give us a detailed explanation on how to go about it.

i eqally have the same problem and i need urgent help can some body give us a detailed explanation on how to go about it.

That's not a "quick" thing to be able to do. You need to go learn how to use a programming language if you want to do this and do it so that it is secure.

See here for free tutorials:
FunctionX ASP.NET Tutorial

thank you boblarson i really want to learn it, but i have a little problem the visual studio i have do no seem to be runing on my windows vista software, what do u think tha i should do.

thank you boblarson i really want to learn it, but i have a little problem the visual studio i have do no seem to be runing on my windows vista software, what do u think tha i should do.

Which version do you have?

i think that it should be Buisness edition

i think that it should be Buisness edition

There is no "business edition" of Visual Studio. There is Standard, Professional, and Enterprise.

But I was asking the VERSION LEVEL: 2002, 2003, 2005, or 2008 If .NET

If it is another type of Visual Studio (VS 6, 5, 4, etc.) those are older versions.

please if you have any version is there any way it can get to me please..

please if you have any version is there any way it can get to me please..

That doesn't answer my question (but it is likely what you have isn't compatible with Vista although we won't know unless we can get the version).

Plus, it isn't the way it works. You have to purchase the product. It isn't something that is freely shareable.

Well, if you haven't already solved the problem, I'd suggest checking the WhizBase. It is not as powerful as ASP, and it is not free (it is, if your site is on an org or edu domain) but I think you should visit the site and see if it is appropriate tool for your needs.

I hope this can help you.

no i really wanted to learn asp.net it has gotten my interest and i really want to learn it this new year. so i went in search of the visual studio, but i got visual basic 2008 and it works on my Vista, it is totally different from the one am used to so u was wondering if you would help me with some little tips on how to add the tools in the toolbox and then try something from there, and if you could refer me to some site on 2008 visual basic training, as for the Visual studio and i will get it very soon and then start the traing, i am currentlly downloading videos form the asp.net site so as to enhance my trainging when i start...



hi i have gotten visual basic 2008 in my trying to get visual studio i found out that they are different so i am still in search of it thanks and have a wonderful new year to you boblarson

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