Need some help here.

I was trying to make a Stored Procedure in MS SQL 2008 which will make use of comma delimited string as Parameter in my WHERE [COLUMN] LIKE [PARAMETER] condition.

Somehow, I was able to select rows of data from my DB table that matches the set of values I passed to the parameter however, Im not getting the ideal output from it.

Supposed I have a product 'BOLT & CAP ORANGE' and 'BOLT & CAP RED' in my PRODUCTS Table. Using C# as front end, if I typed "BOLT, ORANGE" in the search field I provided on my windows form, both products are being displayed. But what I need is that, whenever I type a string separated by comma in the search field, ONLY those products that has a "BOLT" and "ORANGE" words should be displayed, 'BOLT & CAP ORANGE' for instance.

Is this possible?

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Supposed I have a product 'BOLT & CAP ORANGE' and 'BOLT & CAP RED' in my PRODUCTS Table. Using C# as front end, if I typed "BOLT, ORANGE" in the search field I provided on my windows form, both products are being displayed. But what I need is that, whenever I type a string separated by comma in the search field, ONLY those products that has a "BOLT" and "ORANGE" words should be displayed, 'BOLT & CAP ORANGE' for instance.

Have you created a query yet? If you did, post it. Right now, there's nothing to work on because there's no query nor code it's just explanation.


SELECT DISTINCT P.Name AS 'ProductName', 
       D.Name AS 'DiscountScheme', 
FROM BASE_Inventory I
        ON I.ProductId = P.ProductId
    INNER JOIN SO_SalesOrder_Line SOL
        ON P.ProductId = SOL.ProductId
    INNER JOIN BASE_DiscountScheme D
        ON D.DiscountSchemeId = SOL.DiscountSchemeId
    INNER JOIN BASE_Category Cat
        ON P.CategoryId = Cat.CategoryId
WHERE P.Name LIKE '%'+ @ProductName +'%' 
    AND P.CategoryId = @CategoryId AND P.IsActive = 1

and here is the code I used on my windows form:

            _searchText = txtSearchText.Text;
            string[] productNameList = _searchText.Split(',');
            string productName = "";
            int productNameListArrayCount = productNameList.Count() - 1, newDataGridRow;

            for (int i = 0; i <= productNameListArrayCount; i++)
                         productName = productNameList[i];
                        _dsProductStocks = ProductDAL.getProductStocks(productName, _categoryId);

                        if (_dsProductStocks.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            for (int j = 0; j < _dsProductStocks.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++)
                                newDataGridRow = dtgProducts.Rows.Add();

                                dtgProducts.Rows[newDataGridRow].Cells["Stocks"].Value = _dsProductStocks.Tables[0].Rows[j]["QuantityOnHand"].ToString();
                                dtgProducts.Rows[newDataGridRow].Cells["ProductName"].Value = _dsProductStocks.Tables[0].Rows[j]["ProductName"].ToString();
                                dtgProducts.Rows[newDataGridRow].Cells["UnitPrice"].Value = _dsProductStocks.Tables[0].Rows[j]["UnitPrice"].ToString();
                                dtgProducts.Rows[newDataGridRow].Cells["DiscountScheme"].Value = _dsProductStocks.Tables[0].Rows[j]["DiscountScheme"].ToString();
                                dtgProducts.Rows[newDataGridRow].Cells["ProductId"].Value = _dsProductStocks.Tables[0].Rows[j]["ProductId"].ToString();

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Maybe change/tweak this:

string[] productNameList = _searchText.Split(',');
string productName = "";
int productNameListArrayCount = productNameList.Count() - 1, newDataGridRow;

with this:

List<string> productNameList = new List<string>() {"BOLT", "CAP ORANGE", "CAP RED" };
string delimitedString = string.Join(", ", productNameList);

Well it doesn't provide me with the results I need. Using this, Im passing a value "BOLT, CAP ORANGE, CAP RED" into my stored procedure and it returns NULL since I have no "Product" that has a "BOLT, CAP ORANGE, CAP RED" name.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

Well it doesn't provide me with the results I need. Using this, Im passing a value "BOLT, CAP ORANGE, CAP RED" into my stored procedure and it returns NULL since I have no "Product" that has a "BOLT, CAP ORANGE, CAP RED" name.

This method is old but still useful you can adjust your query to this and get that result:

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