I am creating a site and I am trying to put all the posts within a mysql database (phpmyadmin). How do i put articles/posts in the DB?

INSERT queries. If you can be a little more specific about what exactly you're looking for, I can give a more specific answer.

Yes more info is needed but at a high level you'll track the posts by a unique identifier in your DC table, such as postId.

We really need to know what information do you want to store about the post? The post itself, when it was posted, what is its category, is it solved, view count, what category does it belong to, etc... Just to name a few...

Lets say I was to store an article that i wrote, it contains maybe 1000+ words in the body, how would i store that kind of data in a database?

Why don't you simply use wordpress or drupal they are both free and manage the web site and handle postings also. Why re-invent the code when someone has already written it and it is easy to use....

Why re-invent the code when someone has already written it and it is easy to use....

I was planning on doing that for learning purposes.

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