I want to split database access and permissions with another person. The problem is we don't know how we can make sure we both have the same rights and permissions to operate the database. So if anything goes wrong for example, one wants to change the password of the database or the email the other should confirm that too and should be informed.

Or any possible option for us to have the same rights 50-50...

The website will be for making money we invest in that website 50-50 so thats why we want to make this also...

The hosting provider is namecheap and the database is SQL and cPanel

Also i got another way through this. Is there a program or app to store password BUT in order to access it, two devices need to confirm the session to show the password.

I asked What database server (such as SQL) does this?

You replied with SQL (but not which SQL) along with cPanel which neither appear to do what you ask.

Sounds like you need to create a new system or app here. For now all the systems I've seen have just one admin and some have backup admins but not one did what you asked. Also, I've yet to see a program or app to do what you ask. All that means is you get to create this.

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