Hi every one,

I never had done game development in my life befor but I want to do 3d java game development. can n e one tell from scratch where should I start from?

Thank you,

Syed Ahmed Hussain

Start by learning Java. Duh.

lolz.. that helped me alot :D
Thanx Narue..

but can u suggest me n e book for that?

Your best bet would be searching the Java forum. I'm not up to date on the "best" books for Java.

There are plenty of resources listed in the "Starting Java" sticky thread at the top of the Java forum. Start with that.

I wouldn't really recommend using Java as a programming language for game development, especially 3D game development, buuuut oh well. If you want to use it for 3D game programming, you'll need to learn to use it for 2D game programming first.


I wouldn't really recommend using Java as a programming language for game development, especially 3D game development, buuuut oh well. If you want to use it for 3D game programming, you'll need to learn to use it for 2D game programming first.


hi i am also a newbie to programing and game programing in fact still a student and need to know a lot and one of my questions was what language is best suitable for 3d game development?

and what language is best suitable for windows application development?

those are my two main intrests and this far i am just convused

hi i am also a newbie to programing and game programing in fact still a student and need to know a lot and one of my questions was what language is best suitable for 3d game development?

and what language is best suitable for windows application development?

those are my two main intrests and this far i am just convused

C++, C#
But I doubt you're at the level of 3D development.

A good language for 3D game development that I would recommend and have already recommended here and there around here would be either DarkBASIC/DarkBASIC Pro, a language created for making games, especially 3D ones, or C++.

Good luck,


If you haven't done programming/development before, please, for the love of god, do not start trying to make 3D games. You need to learn the basic concepts first, then work your way up.

And I wouldn't suggest Java for 3D games anyway. C++ would be your best bet. If you really wanted, you could do simplistic things with Python and a 3D library for that, like Panda3D. But I'd suggest going with C++ anyways because it seems that programmers who start off with C/C#/C++ understand more on the concept/theory end of it all, which you'll need for 3D stuff. Plus, you'll need great skill at mathematics too if you want to build 3D games.

As for Windows application development, you'll probably hear a lot about Java and C or C++, but Python usually works just as well, and Python's syntax is usually a lot easier to grasp for beginners too. Just depends if your program needs to run as quickly as possible, in which case I'd go with C.

Anyways, good luck getting into programming. The key thing is: START OUT SMALL. Don't jump onto huge projects without building skill with the language first.

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