i created a list of name using j2me.
its like looking for a contact number in our phone that has a textfield to search.
i want that when i type the beginning of the name i want to highlight the name that corresponds the search name..

is it possible to have keypressed() in list..

sorry for my english...im not good in english...

i created a list of name using j2me.
its like looking for a contact number in our phone that has a textfield to search.
i want that when i type the beginning of the name i want to highlight the name that corresponds the search name..

You cannot do it with provided List. However you can create your own list implementation through CustomItem

is it possible to have keypressed() in list..

No only selections works here, but again if you create list with CustomItem you can add listeners to handle this

can u give me code that uses CustomItem..tnx

Great one dude....

commented: Spammer -2
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