Is it possible?
I have three midlets. I want only one running first and others should be available to the user after lauching the 1st midlet. How can I achieve this??

Merge them together, keep as separated packages, decide which to launch be default, strip other two from midlet declaration and provide a menu to launch them
If this is not clear just ask, I will try to explain

Sorry I don't exactly understand what you hv said. please explain.(Merge them together, keep as separated packages, decide which to launch be default, strip other two from midlet declaration ?)
& is it possible to add a menu into a midlet that launches any other midlet?

As separated applications

  • packageApp1
    • MidletApp1
    • OtherClassesApp1
  • packageApp2
    • MidletApp2
    • OtherClassesApp2
  • packageApp3
    • MidletApp3
    • OtherClassesApp3


  • superPackage
    • packageApp1
      • MidletApp1
      • OtherClassesApp1
    • packageApp2
      • MidletApp2
      • OtherClassesApp2
    • packageApp3
      • MidletApp3
      • OtherClassesApp3

Remove other two midlets and provide launch menu

  • superPackage
    • packageApp1
      • MidletApp1
      • OtherClassesApp1
        • MenuToCallOnInactiveMidlets
    • packageApp2
      • OtherClassesApp2
    • packageApp3
      • OtherClassesApp3

Once you stop thinking about them as separated midlets and start thinking about them as just option menu or different functions you get different image. JME same as Java(standard Java enables you to call upon external applications and execute them from command line, or directly through use of some libraries, but it is dirty business and ot of your application eco-system) wasn't exactly build to invoke other applications. So best/easiest solution is to merge them in single application and provide a way how to call on each of them (shared menu) and perhaps provide default started application.

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