Hello there. I'd like to develop a mobile app with cutting-edge functionality. A rider app, a passenger app, and an admin portal are all included. It is necessary to register and edit your profile. Can someone provide me with a cost estimate for app development? or else any other way to get a cost-efficient mobile app for my taxi business?. Is anyone is aware of the development field please help me with it.

The UBER app according to research was over a million bucks. It's not just the app that costs but building your entire company, backend and more.

I've heard your question from others and wonder if you really need to invest that much. How many taxis are there and would said app really help? (No it won't.)

Can you be found with https://www.taxifarefinder.com ? If not, find out why.

Outsourcing a mobile app like that, excluding everything else, to a small overseas dev team is probably about $250,000.

commented: and that's just the app itself, without all the hardware, support infrastructure, etc. etc. needed to operate it +16

Make a mobile app with a limited budget, Remember the following points:
Make clear goals for your app.
Choose the right developmental partners.
Create a mobile app with the right development pricing model.
Choose the right platform to build an app.
Invest in vital functionalities considering app development budget.
Creating an MVP is a sensible approach.

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