Need some help. Don't know anything about programming except HTML, would like to know where I should start to learn the language. :?:

Need some help. Don't know anything about programming except HTML, would like to know where I should start to learn the language. :?:

Which language -- C or C++? A book maybe?

Need some help. Don't know anything about programming except HTML, would like to know where I should start to learn the language. :?:

HTML and programming are soo far about.

HTML Hyper Text Markup Language, its all formating, no programming at all

there is C, C++ and C#, i would recomend C++ and

good for C and C++ though. C or C++ takes years to get good at, and even more to get truly confident, Read books, do tutorials, and post alot for help.

Need some help. Don't know anything about programming except HTML, would like to know where I should start to learn the language. :?:

Dear just start C++ and learn the concept of OOPS ok
thats the base of all the Programming Languages.
I'm giving you some topics which you should know well:

operator overloading
polymorphism(virtual functions)
function pointers
singelton class
.........................need more any way if you still have any problem
then catch me

i recommend starting with C++ as well but i also recommend you just learn the basics and when you get those good and done then work your way up into all the more complicated stuff :) good luck

Thanks everyone. I'm checking into all the info. I will be posting alot so I hope I don't get on anyone's nerves. If I do sorry.

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