i m trying to do a music cd databse. i done most of it bt i dont kno how to do the search methord..can any 1 help

this is my program

import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.io.*;
import java.io.IOException;

public class Cd
public String ArtistName;
public String CdName;
public String Genre;
public int ReleasedDate;
public int NoOfTracks;

public Cd ()
ArtistName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter The Artist's Name : ");
CdName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter The Cd Name :");
Genre = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter The Music Genre :");
ReleasedDate = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter The ReleasedDate :"));
NoOfTracks = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter The Number Of Tracks :"));

public Cd (String a, String c, String g, int y, int n)
ArtistName = a;
CdName = c;
Genre = g;
ReleasedDate = y;
NoOfTracks = n;

public void printcd ()
String print = "Artist: " + ArtistName + " Cd: " + CdName + " Genre: " + Genre + " Year: " + ReleasedDate + " Tracks: " + NoOfTracks;


public void printarray ()
String array = "Artist: " + ArtistName + " Cd: " + CdName + " Genre: " + Genre + " Year: " + ReleasedDate + " Tracks: " + NoOfTracks;



class database
public static void main (String[] args)
int entry = 1;
Cd[] record = new Cd[entry];

final int SENTINEL = -1; // Sentinel block in a MultiShady chain.

String album;
String menu_choice;
int Menu;
int r;
int e;
int ARRAY_SIZE = 9;

Cd[] array = new Cd[ARRAY_SIZE];
array[0] = new Cd("Paul Weller",    "White Pony",   "Hard Rock",    2008,   21);
array[1] = new Cd("Bodyrox and Luciana",    "What Planet You On",   "Rock", 2008,   6);
array[2] = new Cd("Rem",    "Accelerate",   "Rock", 2008,   11);
array[3] = new Cd("Mariah Carey",   "E=mc2: Digipack",  "Pop",  2008,   10);
array[4] = new Cd("Leona Lewis",    "Spirit",   "Pop",  2008,   14);
array[5] = new Cd("Shayne Ward",    "Breathless",   "Pop",  2007,   13);
array[6] = new Cd("Mighty Underdogs",   "Prelude: Ep",  "Hip-Hop",  2007,   6);
array[7] = new Cd("Doniki", "Radikal Expressions",  "Reggae",   2008,   14);
array[8] = new Cd(" Billy Fury",    "The Complete Collection",  "Rock & Roll",  2008,   29);


menu_choice = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("To enter a new entry TYPE   0,\n To print database TYPE  1,\n  To Search TYPE    2,\n To Exit TYPE   3\n");
Menu = Integer.parseInt(menu_choice);

while (Menu != SENTINEL)
if (Menu == 0 )
for ( r = 0; r<entry; r++)
record[r] = new Cd();
for ( r = 0; r<entry; r++)

menu_choice = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("To enter a new entry TYPE   0,\n To print database TYPE  1,\n  To Search TYPE    2,\n To Exit TYPE   3\n");
Menu = Integer.parseInt(menu_choice);


else if (Menu == 1)
for (e = 0; e<ARRAY_SIZE; e++)

menu_choice = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("To enter a new entry TYPE   0,\n To print database TYPE  1,\n  To Search TYPE    2,\n To Exit TYPE   3\n");
Menu = Integer.parseInt(menu_choice);


else if (Menu == 3)

else if (Menu == 2)
album = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter The Album To Search For :");

for ( e = 0; e<ARRAY_SIZE; e++)
if (array[e].CdName.equals(album))
menu_choice = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("To enter a new entry TYPE   0,\n To print database TYPE  1,\n  To Search TYPE    2,\n To Exit TYPE   3\n");
Menu = Integer.parseInt(menu_choice);


public void fileoutput (Cd[] array) throws IOException
final FileWriter outputFile = new FileWriter("CD_Database.txt");
final BufferedWriter OutputBuffer = new BufferedWriter(outputFile);
final PrintWriter printstream = new PrintWriter(OutputBuffer);

for(int e = 0; e < array.length; e++)

final FileReader inputFile = new FileReader("CD_Database.txt");
final BufferedReader inputBuffer = new BufferedReader(inputFile);

String line = inputBuffer.readLine();


1. what do you not exactly understand.
2. I recommend using a more flexible collection other than an array, maybe a vector, to store your cd records. That way when ever you can do:

//add records to collection
Vector<Cd> db= new Vector();
db.add(new Cd("Paul Weller", "White Pony", "Hard Rock", 2008, 21));
db.add(new Cd("Bodyrox and Luciana", "What Planet You On", "Rock", 2008, 6));
db.add(new Cd("Rem", "Accelerate", "Rock", 2008, 11));
db.add(new Cd("Leona Lewis", "Spirit", "Pop", 2008, 14));

//print db
for(int i= 0; i< db.size();i++)

Try this code and see how it works for you

import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.io.*;
import java.io.IOException;

// new class. all the details of the CD are declared and initialised.
class Cd
   public String ArtistName; 
   public String CdName; 
   public String Genre; 
   public int ReleasedDate; 
   public int NoOfTracks;

   // Ask the user to input the various details that makeup the Music CD
   public Cd ()
      ArtistName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter The Artist's Name : ");
      CdName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter The Cd Name :");
      Genre = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter The Music Genre :");
      ReleasedDate = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter The ReleasedDate :"));
      NoOfTracks = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter The Number Of Tracks :"));

   public Cd (String a, String c, String g, int y, int n)

      ArtistName = a; 
      CdName = c; 
      Genre = g; 
      ReleasedDate = y;
      NoOfTracks = n;

   public void printcd ()
      String print = "Artist: " + ArtistName + " Cd: " + CdName + " Genre: " + Genre + " Year: " + ReleasedDate + " Tracks: " + NoOfTracks;

   public void printarray ()
      String array = "Artist: " + ArtistName + " Cd: " + CdName + " Genre: " + Genre + " Year: " + ReleasedDate + " Tracks: " + NoOfTracks;


public class database
// main method. array created as well.
public static void main (String[] args)
    final int entry = 1;
    Cd[] record = new Cd[entry]; 
    final int SENTINEL = -1; // Sentinel block in a MultiShady chain.
    String artist;
    String menu_choice;
    int Menu= 0;
    int r;
    int result;
    final int ARRAY_SIZE = 9; // initialising the array size,
    //add records to collection
    Vector<Cd> db= new Vector<Cd>();
    db.add(new Cd("Paul Weller", "White Pony", "Hard Rock", 2008, 21));
    db.add(new Cd("Bodyrox and Luciana", "What Planet You On", "Rock", 2008, 6));
    db.add(new Cd("Rem", "Accelerate", "Rock", 2008, 11));
    db.add(new Cd("Mariah Carey", "E=mc2: Digipack", "Pop", 2008, 10));
    db.add(new Cd("Leona Lewis", "Spirit", "Pop", 2008, 14));
    db.add(new Cd("Shayne Ward", "Breathless", "Pop", 2007, 13));
    db.add(new Cd("Mighty Underdogs", "Prelude: Ep", "Hip-Hop", 2007, 6));
    db.add(new Cd("Doniki", "Radikal Expressions", "Reggae", 2008, 14));
    db.add(new Cd("Billy Fury", "The Complete Collection", "Rock & Roll", 2008, 29));
        while (Menu != SENTINEL)
            //the line of code below creates the menu options that will be used to run the program
            menu_choice = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("To enter a new entry TYPE 0,\n To print database TYPE 1,\n To Search TYPE 2,\n To Exit TYPE 3\n");
            Menu = Integer.parseInt(menu_choice);
            if (Menu == 0 ) // to add a new entry to the CD
                for ( r = 0; r<entry; r++) 
                    record[r] = new Cd();
                    record[r].printcd(); //was in separate loop before no need for that, condensed to one
                    db.add(record[r]); //add new entry to collection
            // the else if below prints all the details that are currently stored in the music CD array.
            else if (Menu == 1)
                for(int i= 0; i< db.size();i++)
            //search methord
            else if (Menu == 2)
                artist = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter The Artist To Search For :");
                result = linearSearch(db, artist, db.size());
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Artist: " + artist + " record found" ); 
            // allows quit the program. 
            else if(Menu == 3)
    }catch(Exception e){
}//end main
public static int linearSearch(Vector<Cd> data, String key, int sizeOfArray)
    for (int counter = 0; counter < sizeOfArray; counter++)
        if (data.get(counter).ArtistName.equals (key))
            return counter; // return position where found
        return -1; // if drop off end of array, its not there
want exactly same problem but without using arraylist,linked list,GUI

problem should 

Load file
Create array of CDs

Sort CDs        ( artist,title,label,year,length)
Writing the sorted array to a file

Rozina: don't revive old threads, just start a new one.
exactly the same but without ...
that means it is not exactly the same. since you are using two separate datastructures, it isn't even nearly the same.

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"Do not hijack old threads by posting a new question as a reply to an old one"
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