hello all,

my self anil i am doing some timepass work in VB for practice.
i am creating a webbrowser and i need some help i am creating it by using some components like microsoft internet controls. now i have created stop,refresh,back,forward,home buttons succsessfuly but i want some help from you guys.

in normal internet explorer(provided by moicrosoft) when we write a website name and press "ctrl+enter" key the "http://","www","com" this words are autometicaly fetched in address bar before and after website name i want logic for that as well as how to call an event on perticular key, like when we write website address in address bar then when we press enter the go buttons click event is must be called. please guys i need some serius help.

i m posting my proj here take a look.


when we write website address in address bar then when we press enter the go buttons click event is must be called

Use Keydown Event of TextBox(Address Bar)

Code for Ctrl + Return

Private Sub cmdGo_Click()
'Code to Navigate the Address
End Sub

Private Sub txtAddress_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
   If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn And Shift = vbCtrlMask Then
      txtAddress.Text = "http://www." & txtAddress.Text & ".com"
   End If
   ' Process other Keys
End Sub

txtAddress represents the Addressbar. cmdGo represents the Go Button

Thank you very much.

but check the textbox for "http://www." before adding http. It can already be exist. If not add it front and ".com" to the back.

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