Hello, i want to write a program to print out a table showing time in 0.1 sec, soldier’s position, arrow’s position, and the distance in feet between the arrow and the soldier every tenth of a second until the arrow hits the soldier or he escapes, if he was X feet away from the barbarian when the arrow was loosed. Assume that the arrow travels at a constant velocity of 72 mph and the roman soldier runs at a constant speed of 12 mph. The range of the arrow is 120 feet. Print out how many seconds it took for the arrow to hit the
soldier or for the soldier to escape. The only input that is required is the distance of the soldier from the barbarian when the barbarian took the shot.

Well, what's stopping you?
You want to write it, so I guess you're not asking us to do it for you?

Hello, i want to write a program to print out a table showing time in 0.1 sec, soldier’s position, arrow’s position, and the distance in feet between the arrow and the soldier every tenth of a second until the arrow hits the soldier or he escapes, if he was X feet away from the barbarian when the arrow was loosed. Assume that the arrow travels at a constant velocity of 72 mph and the roman soldier runs at a constant speed of 12 mph. The range of the arrow is 120 feet. Print out how many seconds it took for the arrow to hit the
soldier or for the soldier to escape. The only input that is required is the distance of the soldier from the barbarian when the barbarian took the shot.

As the rule of the Forum first you have to do something instead asking someone for doing it .
You have to show what have you done and what's the problem I see here like u wanna ready programm not help...

Submit your code and then people will help to find your problem...

I would suggest looking at Projectile physics if you wanted to code that! post back any attempts though! :)

It seems i m back in +2 and studying mechanics....newtons law ...ha ha

Google for Ballistics Game Programming.

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