Hi all, I have created a Backgammon AI player in Java, and I would like to know if anyone knows how I can play my player vs GNU Backgammon in order to test how well it does. Thanks

Hi all, I have created a Backgammon AI player in Java, and I would like to know if anyone knows how I can play my player vs GNU Backgammon in order to test how well it does. Thanks

You probably have to physically play GNU Backgammon as a human, enter its moves/rolls into your program, then have your program decide what to do and enter that into the GNU program. If you are hoping to have the two programs meld with each other and play without human interference, I imagine that's a very tall order.

I don't know how to play Backgammon but I imagine since GNU's Backgammon game is open source (right?) I suppose you could use file input/output to play each other.

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