I need to write a code in which i want to create each file for every iteration of a loop add data into the file. also the filename should change every time.
for example: familyname1_parts.txt for 1 iteration for second
familyname2.parts.txt for 2 iteration and so on..

    		 out = new FileOutputStream(set.fileLoc + "" +set.fileName,true);
    		p = new PrintStream( out );

here fileloc and set.filename is fetched from a properties file..

earlier all data was added to the same file.

How can we change file name everytime?

In your loop keep a counter, then make a file name something like this:

String fileName = "familyname" + counter + ".parts.txt2;

Hi James,

Thank you very much for responding so soon. I need to accomplish these things in each iteration.

1. create a new file for every iteration.
2. file name should change like this psoc_part.txt , usb_part.txt . i mean technically Sting[abc]_part.txt means this should change dynamically each time.
like this many families are there for each family i need each file to be created along with filename.

i want this code to be in loop to create a new file wenever the family name is matched in which i take it from a query.
sorry for not explaining this in my previous thread.

i will change file name by myself .But i need help on creating creting new file everytime. plz kindly help

FileOutputStream out; 
                PrintStream ps; // declare a print stream object
                try {
                 // Create a new file output stream
                out = new FileOutputStream("myfile.txt");

                        // Connect print stream to the output stream
                        ps = new PrintStream(out);
                        ps.println ("This data is written to a file:");
            System.err.println ("Write successfully");

What's the problem in creating a new file? You've already got the code:

new FileOutputStream(fileName);

You can do that in your loop if fileName changes on each iteration.

Yes, I did it. Thanks a lot.. :-)

how would this be done in C#? I was thinking about creating a method for it.


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