Due to various posts asking for syntax highlighting, I decided to give it a shot & come up with a Syntax Highlighter for multiple languages. Also as many posters want to Copy it to Word, I added a functionality to directly export the highlighted code to MS-Word. Both the highlighting & the formatting can be customized.

Download Here (For Windows Only)
Please try and comment.
Thank You.

edk.theg8 commented: thx. +0

Why?? I'm sure it was a lot of fun writing that program, but there are already been several similar programs for a long long time, for example Notepad++.

And I'm not about to download and run that *.exe program. That's one way viruses are spread.

I know, but I don't know if notepad++ can copy-paste to MS-Word, can it?

Yes like any other editor you can copy to clipboard and paste it into MS-Word. -- but why would you want to? MS-Word just screws up the program formatting.

And I'm not about to download and run that *.exe program. That's one way viruses are spread.

What made you think that I'll unleash a virus?

Well some of my friends had requested during our code-submissions hence I obliged them. I surely didn't know about Notepad++, I thought when you copy-paste the colors are lost.

>>What made you think that I'll unleash a virus?
I NEVER download executable programs off the internet unless I know that it will be safe for me to use. Did you scan that program with a couple of virus checkers? Viruses can creep in whether you intended to put them there or not.

>>I thought when you copy-paste the colors are lost
Yes, they are lost.

>>>>I thought when you copy-paste the colors are lost
>>Yes, they are lost.
Well that was the whole intent, so that they are Not lost.

>>I NEVER download executable programs off the internet unless I know that it will be safe for me to use.
Well it's a matter of trust & I respect your decision :). I built it myself & couple of my friends use it, so I know it's safe.

P.S. My PC is virus-safe, maybe because I too follow your principle & always scan Flash Sticks manually.

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