I have command string and want to find a pattern in it.If present i have to remove certain characters and retain the other characters as it is in the command string.

string aDir("bin/kwp-init start -t1 -uwelcome@mails.com -ppasstoks@123 -v");
string search_char ("@");
size_t found=0;
found = aDir.find_first_of(search_char);
cout <<"@ is found at:"<<found<<endl;
if (found!=string::npos){
    cout<<"now :"<<aDir <<endl;
else {
    aDir.clear();         /* str is all whitespace*/

Actual output from code is : bin/kwp-init restart -t1 -uwelcome

Expected output is : bin/kwp-init restart -t1 -uwelcome -ppasstoks@123 -v

Suggest me a solution!!

One way to do it is to do two finds

size_t found1=0;
size_t found2=0;
found1 = aDir.find_first_of(search_char);
cout <<"@ is found at:"<<found1<<endl;
if (found1!=string::npos)
    cout<<"now :"<<aDir <<endl;
    found2 = aDir.find('-', found1+1);
    aDir = aDir.substr(0,found1) + aDir.substr(found2-1);

Of course you may need to do it a little differently if the second find fails, such as use temp strings to old the sub strings.


Look at string.erase function prototype. By that command, you are erasing all elements starting at the position found. What you need is this aDir.erase(found,1);

You can try this also:-

std::string performanceDataMap::replaceSubString (std::string stringToModify, 
                                                   std::string oldSubString, 
                                                   std::string newSubString)
    size_t foundAt= 0;
    while((foundAt = stringToModify.find(oldSubString)) != std::string::npos)
        stringToModify.replace(foundAt, oldSubString.length(), newSubString);
    return stringToModify;

and call

newSubString = "";
std::string performanceDataMap::replaceSubString (std::string stringToModify, 
                                                   std::string oldSubString, 
                                                   std::string newSubString)
    size_t foundAt= 0;
    while((foundAt = stringToModify.find(oldSubString)) != std::string::npos)
        stringToModify.replace(foundAt, oldSubString.length(), newSubString);
    return stringToModify;
and call 
C++ Syntax (Toggle Plain Text)
newSubString = "";
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