Good afternoon,

I've got an assignement where i need to set up a parent class and a child class with .cpp files. When I try to call the a function in the child class i get and undefined reference error. I'm able to initialize this class using the default constructor with the child class.

In main i'm using the following:
TimeChild ctime(1235);//initialize child

and I'm getting the following error:
[Linker error] undefined reference to 'TimeChild:setInt(int)'

any help is appreciated:


#ifndef TIMECLASS_H                             // Multiple Use Protection
#include <iostream>                             // Needed for cout and cin
#include <string>                               // Needed for string objects
using namespace std;

class TimeClass   
            int hours;
            int mins;
            int secs;
            string ap;
            void adjustTime(TimeClass);  //to convert time when added
            void subTime(TimeClass);  //to convert time when subtracted
    public:                     // Time Class
    //default constructor
    {hours = mins = secs = 0;ap = "0";}
    //function prototype convert string to integer
    int NumberSet(string);
    //Mutator function for regular time
    void setTime(int h,int m,int s, string am_pm)
    {hours = h;mins=m;secs=s;ap = am_pm;}
    //Mutator function for military time
    void setTime(int h,int m,int s)
    {hours = h;mins=m;secs=s;}
    //constructor for XX:XX:XX AM/PM
    TimeClass(int h,int m,int s,string am_pm)
    {hours = h;mins=m;secs=s;ap = am_pm;}
    //constructore for HH:MM:SS
    TimeClass(int h,int m,int s)
    {hours = h;mins=m;secs=s;}
    //overloaded operators
    TimeClass operator + (const TimeClass &); //overloaded +
    TimeClass operator - (const TimeClass &); //overloaded -
    TimeClass operator = (const TimeClass &); //overloaded =


#include <ctime>                                // Used to get todays info
#include <cctype>                               // Used for is..., to...
using namespace std;
#include "TimeClass.h"

//convert time for addition

void TimeClass::adjustTime(TimeClass)
     //if the user enters a huge number this will keep looping until secs, mins, hours are reduced
     while(secs >= 60)
        secs -= 60;
        mins += 1;
     while(mins >= 60)
        mins -= 60;
        hours += 1;
     while(hours > 12)
     //switches back and forth each time 12 hours are incremented
        hours = hours % 12;
              if (ap =="AM" )
                 ap = "PM";
                 else if(ap=="PM")
                 ap = "AM";
//convert time for subtraction
void TimeClass::subTime(TimeClass)
// *** Converts Number in String to Integer (Skips leading blanks) ***

int NumberSet(string asVal)                     
{   int iDx;                                    
    int iNum = 0;                               
    for (iDx = 0; iDx < asVal.length(); iDx++)
        if (asVal[iDx] != ' ') 
    for (iDx = 0; iDx < asVal.length(); iDx++)
    {   if (!isdigit(asVal[iDx]))
        iNum = iNum * 10 + (asVal[iDx] - '0');
    return iNum;

//overloaded + operator
TimeClass TimeClass::operator + (const TimeClass &right)
     TimeClass newtime;
     newtime.hours = hours + right.hours;
     newtime.mins = mins + right.mins;
     newtime.secs = secs + right.secs;
     return newtime;

//overloaded - operator
TimeClass TimeClass::operator - (const TimeClass &right)
     TimeClass newtime;
     newtime.hours = hours - right.hours;
     newtime.mins = mins - right.mins;
     newtime.secs = secs - right.secs;
     return newtime;

//overloaded = operator
TimeClass TimeClass::operator = (const TimeClass &right)
     TimeClass newtime;
     newtime.hours = hours = right.hours;
     newtime.mins = mins = right.mins;
     newtime.secs = secs = right.secs;
     return newtime;


#ifndef TIMECHILD_H                             
#include <cstring>

#include <string>
#include <cstdlib> //necessary for the atoi conversion function

#include "TimeClass.h"   
using namespace std;

class TimeChild : public TimeClass               // Inherited from TimeClass
            string military;
            string tstring_1;
            string tstring_2;
            string holdstring;
            int t1_int;
            int t2_int;
            int test;
    public:                     // Time Class
    void setInt(int);
    //default constructor
    {military = "0000";}
    TimeChild(string m)

    TimeChild(int v)
    {test = v;   
    void setTime(string);  //defined in tTmeChild.cpp    


#include <ctime>                                
#include <cctype>  
#include "TimeChild.h"  
using namespace std;

void TimeChild::setTime(miltime)
    tstring_1 = miltime.substr(0,1);
    t1_int = NumberSet(tstring_1); 
    tstring_2 = miltime.substr(2,3);    
    t2_int = NumberSet(tstring_2);
void TimeChild::setInt(v)
     int q;
     q = v;
// *** Converts Number in String to Integer (Skips leading blanks) ***
int NumberSet(string asVal)                     
{   int iDx;                                    
    int iNum = 0;                               
    for (iDx = 0; iDx < asVal.length(); iDx++)
        if (asVal[iDx] != ' ') 
    for (iDx = 0; iDx < asVal.length(); iDx++)
    {   if (!isdigit(asVal[iDx]))
        iNum = iNum * 10 + (asVal[iDx] - '0');
    return iNum;

Main program

#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>  
#include "TimeChild.h"
//#include "TimeClass.h"

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    string mtime;
    //set up the values for the parent class
    TimeClass regtime(12,23,48,"PM"); //set an initial regular time
    TimeClass miltime(12,23,48); //set an initial regular time
    //set up the values for the child class
    TimeChild ctime(1235);//initialize chile
    mtime = "0840";
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

>>void TimeChild::setTime(miltime)
should be

void TimeChild::setTime(string miltime)

>>void TimeChild::setInt(v)
should be

void TimeChild::setInt(int v)


Good morning,

I tried the suggestion and now i'm getting a different error. I think yesterday when I compiled it, I had forgotten that i commented out the line where i create the TimeChild object. This is the error i'm now getting.

for int:
invalid conversion from int to const time_t

for string
cannot convert std:string to const time_t

I'm not able to find const time_t in my code.


oops my mistake, the error is still...
In main i'm using the following:
TimeChild ctime(1235);//initialize child

and I'm getting the following error:
[Linker error] undefined reference to 'TimeChild:setInt(int)'

I think i'm getting blind from looking at this code.

Ive look at your code and theres a bunch of error.

For your Linker Error, put the prototype of setInt before you use the function as in youre constructor.

Basically youre calling a function that youre compiler doesnt know about it.


I've discovered some of the many errors you mentioned. If you want to see the revised code let me know and i'll send it to you.


Your code has no doubt been through several iterations by now. You'll have to post your current error(s) and the relevant section(s) of the current code.


It's pretty lengthy. I can send it to you if you like.


Probably not necessary if you marked the thread solved...

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