Hey, I'm a beginner at compiling (or interpreting) Haskell and some of the basic things are hard to do especially when theres not a lot of info out there for me to use. My question is, how do I run a test file after I have compiled?
I compiler with:
ghc --makefile filename.hs -o executable.exe
And then my test file (provided by my professor) test.cl. Whats the command in the prompt to run the test file with the executable.exe?

That depends on how your program is written. Does it take the file name as a command line parameter? Does it read the file as standard input? It depends.

That depends on how your program is written. Does it take the file name as a command line parameter? Does it read the file as standard input? It depends.

Problem solved. I finally received an email back from my TA. Thanks anyways :)

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