C program to replace all the letters of a string with all 26 alphabets and to do permutations to all the substituted ones and finally store the resulted strings in a file..

please help me out in fixing this situation..
To be clear. let me quote an example:

If i havva simple 2 letter word eg: "TO". Then those two letters in the String "TO" are to be replaced by 26 English alphabets character by character individually..
Given string: TO
OUTPUT should be like:
and the above generated string permutations(with repetition {n^r} ). such that we should get 26*26 ie.,676 permutations.
I hope u understood the logic..
And these whole set of 676 strings are to be stored in a file.

What have you coded so far?

Thanx fr ur reply.
Here im able to replace with alphabets a letter by letter. and have a code for permutations even. But couldn't make it loop for replacing the character with all 26 alphabets..
char *string = "dogood";
char zev[50];
int length = strlen(string);
printf("\n %d \n",strlen(string));
int i;
zey = *string;

I suggest you use a reference string for the alphabets
then you need to use a nested loop
one to replace an index with every character from the reference string
and the other loop for every character of the word

Thanks for the information. its working well.

I think if we are clear.
My program should be like:
-------> If we give some string of length 'n' (eg: GAVC here its length is 4)

-------> This program should read this string GAVC from an input file and generate the permutations of those substituted in to the other file.

-------> Then every position in the string are to be <b>substituted by 20 letters</b> (A, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, Y ) and <b>not with 26 alphabets</b> and then permutations should be done on those individual characters in the given string.

-------> Such that if we give the above string GAVC of length 4, the program should generate 20^4 permutations ie., 160000 combinations.

Please find a solution for me on this........

The code i have so far is:

      int i;
    FILE *fr,*fw;
    fr = fopen("input.txt","r");
    fw = fopen("output.txt","w");
    char *string="gavc",zev[50];
int length = strlen(string);
printf("\n %d \n",strlen(string));
    char ch;
fprintf(fw,"The string is:---> ");
    ch = getc(fr);

                       int *ipCount = new int[strlen(zev)];
                       for(int i= 0;i<strlen(zev);i++)

                               for(int j=0;j<26;j++)

                               for(int i= 1;i<strlen(zev);i++)

                                       if(ipCount[i]==0 )
                                               for(int k=i;k<strlen(zev);k++)



fprintf("fw","\n %s \n",zev);
    fprintf(fw,"\n combinations generated  are:\n");
    printf("\n %s \n",zev);

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[*]Ask a question that can be answered. Do not ask
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- Anything else that does not give us useful information.
[*]Post your code.  If we don't know what you did, how can we possibly help?
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[*]Explain what the code is supposed to do.  If we don't know where the target is, how can we help you hit it?
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[*]Do not apologize for posting 'late'. We don't have any expectations on when you should be posting - 10 minutes or 10 days. We aren't timing your responses.
[*][b]Do not post your requirements and nothing else. [/b]We view that as a lazy do-nothing student that wants us to do their work for them. That's cheating and we [i]will[/i] be hard on you.
[*]Do not attach files except when absolutely necessary. Most of us are not going to download files.  Add the information to your post.
[*][b]Do not tell us how urgent it is.[/b] Seriously, for us there is no urgency at all. Many that can help will ignore any URGENT or ASAP requests.
[*]Create a [b][i]good[/i][/b] title for your post. The title [b]C++[/b] in the C++ forum is bloody redundant and worthless!  [b]What's wrong?[/b] equally so. Specifically what are you having trouble with? [i]There[/i] is your title. [i](note: [b]my program[/b] is not the answer.)[/i]
Think more about your next post so we don't have to play 20 questions to get the info we need to help you.


yeah thanx alot...

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