Hey ppl, i'm quite new to the whole programming thing so bear with me.
I want to use a RichTextBox as a body for a email. How do i get the textBox to accept images.


Hey ppl, i'm quite new to the whole programming thing so bear with me.
I want to use a RichTextBox as a body for a email. How do i get the textBox to accept images.


Cooooool, never mind about the image in TextBox, got that right.
But now i realy need help.......
I want to insert all information from the textBox into a mail message's
body, including the pictures.
Please assist me here.......

To send the email, not to sure aboutt he picture.

// create mail message object
MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
mail.From = "";           // put the from address here
mail.To = "";             // put to address here
mail.Subject = "";        // put subject here	
mail.Body = "";           // put body of email here
SmtpMail.SmtpServer = ""; // put smtp server you will use here 
// and then send the mail

To send the email, not to sure aboutt he picture.

// create mail message object
MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
mail.From = "";           // put the from address here
mail.To = "";             // put to address here
mail.Subject = "";        // put subject here    
mail.Body = "";           // put body of email here
SmtpMail.SmtpServer = ""; // put smtp server you will use here 
// and then send the mail

Thanks for the reply but i have that syntax, but i would like to know
to load it into the body.
eg. mailMsg.Body = richTextBox.ToString();

Sorry for the noddy qeustion but,
how do i read values from a textbox line for line???????

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