Is there a way to keep a global throughout multiple def statements?

global variables are available everywhere after their definiton in a module (and outside the module can be qualified by the module name)

For clarification:
Global variable is defined by giving it a value at zero indentation level in the .py file.
For example in the following code globalvar is printed.


def some_function():
    print globalvar

There is a distinction if you want to change the value of the variable or just read it.

for example in the following code "something" is printed.


def somefunt():
    globalvar="something else"

print globalvar

To make the function modify the globalvar:


def somefunt():
    global globalvar
    globalvar="something else"

print globalvar

Note: The changing means to change to object that is labelled by the global variable.

For example

def somefunt():

print globalvar

#prints [1,2]
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