How to parse a string data " B. Prakash
98400 51038
3 Whites Road, Royapettoh,thennai r 600 014.
Ph: 2852 4560 Fax: +91-44-2858 8306 Email: bmlalbros@etn.iiet'"

conisder this is my string data and i need to fetch name, address, phone , email seperately is there any logic there...

how to parse ... by theory wise i know use string tokenizer or string[] string.split(" .... ") but this req one character based on that it split...

wat i am suggest is @ means sure ly it is email .. i need to fetch whole word (XXX@YYYY)

+91 means phone need to fetch or split +91XXXXXXX or +91-XXXX

is there any way to do it for tokenizing????????????


i think what your looking for is regexes.
and i get the feeling that you are yet to use them. in that case , this and this should give you a good start.

ya got some solution in java regex (phoneno,email).. thanks for valuable info :)

glad it helped. if you have got your solution, consider marking this solved ?

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