Write a C++ program that would display the menu of a restaurant and will accept orders, compute for the total amount and compute for customer change after entering the given cash.
    The program should be looping and will end once the user answers No to the question: Another Customer (Y or N). 
    •   You can use your desired restaurant name and set of menu.
    * You can apply your desired format. Just make sure that the list of menus are readable.

please do it for me. thank you! 

We don't do people's homework here. You show us what you have done, and where exactly you are stuck, and we can help you along. That's it. Doing your homework for you is not going to help you.

Do it one piece at a time. Start with this:

Write a C++ program that would display the menu of a restaurant

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I'm predicting a late night.

Good luck! You are going to need it! There is a reason why they are called "dead"lines - if you miss them, you are dead... I think you have some serious grovelling to do at your professor's feet.

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