I want to learn a programming(software developing) language which is easy!!!

  • I want to know which one is the easiest and where do i learn it from?
    I will be thankfull if you guys can help me out!!!

Java sounds like it is made for you.

Google "colleges using java"

This one contains the fewest possible instructions. I did not invent the name.

commented: Not much helpfull +0

Learning your first computer language will not be easy. There will be days where you cannot find out what you did wrong or when you have started a project that is too advanced for you. The trick is to pick a language and stick with it untill you fully understand it.Java and c++ are good options because those languages will not allow you to develop as many bad habits.

I recommend you search the web. Read different articles and watch videos, when you hear the same thing explained multiple ways you will develop a better perspective and become a better programmer. Here's a link to help you get started and good luck!

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