If you develop for Android, what do you use to do so?

Do you write your apps in a MS Windows environment and then drop it into the Android environment? Or, do you do all of your coding on the Android tablet itself?

What do you do, how do you go about it, please?

In short I use Android Studio. There are tutorials about it, examples and more on the web but what is this about coding on the Android tablet itself? My view is the current incarnation of Android tablets is all about being a consumption device. Creation is done elsewhere.

Are you running into folk that think they will code all the apps on their Android device?

That's helpful, in all the sites I've visited I've not seen any mention of Android Studio.

The thought of coding on the Android tablet seemed to make sense as I always have my phone and tablet with me, as well as there being apps available for Android such as Pycharm, etc, with sl4a.

With three cats it's soooo much easier to work around them with a tablet than my Laptop or Desktop. :-)

That's helpful, in all the sites I've visited I've not seen any mention of Android Studio.

The thought of coding on the Android tablet seemed to make sense as I always have my phone and tablet with me, as well as there being apps available for Android such as Pycharm, etc, with sl4a.

With three cats it's soooo much easier to work around them with a tablet than my Laptop or Desktop. :-)

4 cats by Christmas. Not ours but a relative that ..long story.

Good luck with Pycharm. Here the office is working apps and I can't see how we'd make apps that perform without AS.

Oh, I'm definitely going to give AS a go, especially as you already churn out apps with it yourself.

Do you use Python with Android Studio?

This is very helpful, thank you.

Yes, I'm new to the present environment of programming. I'm a quick and driven learner with a golden idea wanting a method that can keep up with me. Both Python and C++ give me a real buzz. When you introduced me to AS I found in my research some scant information on the implementation of Python with it, hence my question as to how and whether you use anything similar. I've obviously misunderstood its purpose.

I need to have a closer hands-on look at AS, and as you suggest with that link I really would benefit from learning Python.

i use Android Studio, it has emulators for different devices , ranging from simple mobile devices, to tablets and android TV as well as for the wearables. (It is a big download)
once you perfectly downloaded the android studio, within its sdk folder, there is a docs folder from which you can see the offline version of their documentation. http://developer.android.com/index.html

aside from the emulator, you can also use an android device in order to test your application.

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